Ever since I can remember, I’ve been in awe of beauty. Seeing something beautiful is a deep, physical experience for me. That’s also how I respond to color. On my daily walks in the city, I take snapshots of color combinations that I find beautiful and use them as the basis for my paintings. In my abstract work, the painting process is very intuitive. I mix my colors, pick a brush, turn on the music, and just let go. In my figurative work, I spend more time planning and sketching before I start painting.

I love these two different approaches, as they nicely complement each other. Life is a precious experience and so very beautiful. I strive to convey that sensation through my paintings.

Art from deep within

Pia Rydman Art

For as long as I can remember, I have had a deep desire to create and express myself. As a child I grew around my great uncle's art. He was a famous graphic artist Pentti Kaskipuro, "Master K" and his work is focused around still life. I emember looking for hours on, on a black and white graphic about a rye bread and trying to find out its meaning. I would get lost in paintings and in their world.


I ended up however, studying in School of Economics back in the 90's. A funny coincidence with an American visiting teacher and a multimedia summer project made me understand it was actually visual design I wanted to do.  For the next decade, following in my great uncle's foot steps I got a degree in graphic design and worked in an ad and marketing agencies. 


The 2008 was the beginning of a huge financial hit that started to greatly affect marketing industry. I wanted to do something else and dove into my other passion, yoga. I have always followed my intuition and so another interesting journey started. I launched my own yoga studio in 2011 and it's been running ever since.


A few years back the design world started to call me again. I wanted to add another dimension to my "2D" world and got into interior design. I have always been interested in how different spaces make people feel. At the same time when studying interior design, I got really into painting. And then the magic happened.


I started with acrylics and moved later into oil paints. I felt from the first brush stroke, and I still feel, that the very first time, I can fully express myself freely and with deep authenticity. Finishing a painting gives me pure and great joy and I can't wait to start another project. I have arranged my life around painting and paint daily. I have a private art coach, who I connect with weekly to refine my art
